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Midway Games

Our midway game operation is like no other. We concentrate on providing our customers with a fair, honest and fun experience, in which much of the time, children win with every play! Like our food operation, our game operation is held to high standards with many state fair quality game units and bright, clean canvas tops. Please take a look at just some of the games we have to offer.

Spinna WinnaSpinna Winna
Insert your token and try to knock off another for a prize!

Unit type:  aluminum frame tent
Orientation:  center


Whac A MoleWhac A Mole
Whack a Mole on this GIANT Whac A Mole game! Contestants compete for points by being the fastest player to whac a mole and get the most points.

Unit type:  trailer
Orientation:  lineup
Manufacturer:  Bobs Space Racers


Whopper Water RacerWhopper Water Racer
All age fun! Aim your gun, shoot the water, and watch your player rise to the top. First one to the top wins!

Unit type:  trailer
Orientation:  lineup
Manufacturer:  Bobs Space Racers